
Applying Fertiliser to Your Lawn Using a Spreader

Your lawn is a great place to play with children and dogs, entertain guests, or just sit and enjoy life. That is why you may want to grow a beautiful lawn that you will be proud of. You can make this happen by developing a proper maintenance schedule that includes fertilisation. Keep reading to learn about feeding lawns to ensure they look their best:

The Right Time to Fertilise Your Lawn

Lawns need fertilisers in early springs as the grass starts to green up. Your fertilisation schedule should depend on the kind of grass you have in your lawn, the kind of fertiliser you use, and your climate. The majority of lawn seeds are a mix of several kinds of grasses and can be fertilised in both spring and fall.

Check the label on the fertiliser bag to see the recommended schedule based on the kind of fertilise it contains. This label will guide you to know how often you must apply the product and how much to use.

Applying the Lawn Fertiliser

Lawn fertilisers can be applied in many ways. Using an épandeur offers more even coverage than fertilising manually. Hand fertilising usually leads to burns, which happen when the fertiliser is concentrated. Also, it can result in pales areas that do not get enough fertiliser.

When it comes to spreaders, you can choose broadcast or rotary spreaders or drop spreaders. A broadcast spreader is easy to use and does not cause stripping like a drop spreader. But, a drop spreader eliminates the possibility of overthrowing fertilisers. If you use this machine, you must make two trips over the lawn at right angles.

If you have a small yard to fertilise, consider using a handheld broadcast spreader that comes with a hand crank. It is especially useful when fertilising narrow side yards and grassy areas along fence lines, behind sheds and garages, as well as around trees.

No matter the kind of spread you use, walk consistently and steadily when you apply the fertiliser. This way, you don’t spread the fertiliser too thin in some spots and too thick in others. But, if your budget allows, you can invest in a top dresser that does the job efficiently and eliminates this risk.

After you apply the fertiliser, water the lawn thoroughly. This will rinse the fertiliser off the grass blades to avoid burning. Also, it lets the fertiliser sink down into the soil to get to work.

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